The “Société franco-ontarienne du patrimoine et de l’histoire d’Orléans“ (SFOPHO) continued several of its activities by going digital via Zoom. We had over 40 virtual participants at our last Annual General Meeting and over 77 participants at our virtual book launch, “If our stained-glass windows could talk…”
We continue to reach our members through our historical capsules published almost every Monday on our Facebook page, as well as through our newsletters published on our website a few times a year, which reports on our activities and updates on the progress of our future projects. We also regularly publish a historical chronicle in L’Orléanais, a French-speaking community newspaper. We have participated virtually in the setting up of the “Club international francophone des Orléanais et des Orléanaises.” We have begun the conservation of our archives and we are currently planning virtual activities to celebrate our 10th anniversary. The pandemic will not stop us!
Photo: Unveiling of Préseault School by Nicole Fortier.
Photo: © SFOPHO, 2020.