The Goulbourn Museum is dedicated to preserving and sharing the stories of the former Goulbourn Township.
With a nation-wide shutdown and Museum closure announced just days before our 2020 March Break Camp, staff quickly adapted and launched our inaugural virtual program, an online exhibit-creation competition. Staff continued to collaborate closely to deliver a robust slate of COVID-friendly programming. Adult audiences attended a four-part virtual lecture series and remote movie screening. Families with children enjoyed five take-home craft kits and an 8-week, web-facilitated summer camp. Three virtual collections tours gave the public a behind-the-scenes look at our artefacts.
To cap off the year, the Museum hosted a Virtual Holiday Market and outdoor photos with Santa. The challenges of remote work were considerable—especially for team members with children and new hires who had never seen the Museum in-person. The team persevered by focussing on one goal: to act as a pillar of support and engagement for the local community.
Photo: The winning entry from the Hambly family for the “My Family Is…” exhibit contest, Goulbourn Museum. Photo: © Goulbourn Museum, 2020.