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Brown’s Inlet and “The Driveway” of the South-West Glebe

This new tour explores the south-west quadrant of the Glebe and will highlight the evolution of this area west of Bank Street, from the time of the building of the Rideau Canal through the area known as the ‘notch’, to the creation by the Ottawa Improvement Commission of the magnificent “Driveway” in the early 1900’s. […]

Discovering Print Resources for Genealogy

OPL, Nepean Centrepointe Branch 101 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Discover print resources for basic genealogy research or adding depth to your family history, with examples from OPL’s collections. Registration Required.

Heritage Ignite!

OPL, Main Branch 120 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa’s history enthusiasts share their passion for our past!  At this fast-paced event local history experts will have 5 minutes each to tell you why they’re passionate about Ottawa’s history. Come and be enlightened (quickly). Registration Required.

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