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Ontario Church Photo Collection

Help OGS build a photographic record of Ontario churches so everyone will be able to view the church where a relevant christening, marriage or burial took place.  You are encouraged to contribute as many churches as you wish, and may contribute up to 5 images for each church, together with the church name, address and other relevant information on the Church Photo Uploader.

OGS asserts copyright by assignment in respect of all modern photographs in this collection, which also includes a few historical photographs which are out of copyright. Users are permitted to copy or save images for personal, non-commercial research, collection and use. Re-publication of copyright photographs witout written permission is prohibited.

To view an image simply click on the image links associated with the particular church. You may wish to right-click and select “open link in new tab”, so as to not lose your place.  We hope in the future to be able to display a gallery of photographs for ease of browsing.

To locate a particular church, or all churches in a city, town, village, township or county, simply enter a relevant word in the search box above the right hand column to automatically reduce the list to only those entries matching your search term.