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Archaeologists uncover new foundation at Pinhey’s Point

Kanata Kourier-Standard
August 21, 2017

A new piece of history was uncovered at Pinhey’s Point Historic Site.

Archaeologists spent the Aug. 18-20 weekend digging at the city-owned heritage manor and ruins and their hard work paid off — they uncovered a foundation wall, which is believed to be for a stable once constructed on the property near Dunrobin.

The wall was in pristine condition, said lead archeologist and Pinhey’s Point Foundation board member Ian Badgley.

“More research needs to be done, but this is a good start,” Badgley said, adding that the organization had an idea something like a stable’s foundation was there, but had no idea how well it would be preserved.

The dig was organized by Pinhey’s Point Foundation as an annual event to celebrate Archaeology Month in Ottawa.

The purpose of the dig for Badgley, an archeologist with the National Capital Commission as well as a research professor with Carleton University, was to not only to have a better idea of what was lying under the surface but also to educate the public on the importance of archeology.

The dig was open to the public for wannabe archaeologists to help dig, but Badgley said not many helpers came out.

Although throughout the weekend Badgley said there were a number of visitors who stopped by to ask questions, which he said is part of the goal, but overall he would have liked to see more volunteers come out.

“This story is evolving and we like it when people come out to learn about it,” Badgley said.

Aside from the stable wall, the group also uncovered a number of artifacts; nails, bits of steal, and one item that looked like a porcelain doll’s leg. All these artifacts, said archeology student Katherine Davidson will be tagged and further studied and identified.

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